import os
import tempfile
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from baseclasses.utils import Error
from cgnsutilities.cgnsutilities import readGrid, Block, simpleCart, Grid
from .pyHyp import pyHyp
def simpleOCart(inputGrid, dh, hExtra, nExtra, sym, mgcycle, outFile, userOptions=None, xBounds=None, useFarfield=True):
Generates a Cartesian mesh around the provided grid, surrounded by an O-mesh.
inputGrid : cgnsutils Grid object or str
If a cgnsutils Grid object is provided, we use it as is.
Alternatively if a string is provided, we treat it as
the name of the nearfield CGNS file to mesh around.
dh : float or list of float
The target edge length of each cell in the Cartesian part of the mesh.
A list of (x, y, z) lengths can be provided to make non-cubic cells.
The actual edge lengths will depend on mgcycle.
hExtra : float
The distance from the Cartesian mesh boundary to the farfield.
nExtra : int
The number of layers to extrude the hyperbolic O-mesh.
sym : str or list of str
Axis or plane of symmetry.
One or more of ('x', 'y', 'z', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'zmin', 'zmax').
mgcycle : int or list of int
Number of times mesh should be able to be coarsened for multigrid cycles.
A list can be provided for nonuniform (x, y, z) coarsening.
outFile : str
Output file name.
userOptions : dict, optional
Custom pyhyp options to be used with this extrusion. If overset BCs are desired
on the outer face, do not set it in this dictionary because after extrusion
we overwrite all BCs on the combined grid. See the option useFarfield
below. The default value (True) results in farfield BCs on the outer face,
and setting it to false results in overset for the far face. Other pyhyp extrusion
parameters can be set here.
xBounds : array (2 x 3), optional
Optional bounding box coordinates desired for the center cartesian grid.
The default value can be obtained by: ``xMin, xMax = grid.getBoundingBox()``,
and then the xBounds array can be set as ``xBounds = [xMin, xMax]``. This option
allows users to modify the bounding box coordinates rather than simply defaulting
to the bounding box of the nearfield grid.
useFarfield : bool, optional
Optional flag to control the outermost layer's BC. Default, ``True``, will result
in a farfield outer layer, setting this to ``False`` does overset BCs on the
outermost layer
# check if we have a grid object as input or the filename
if type(inputGrid) == str:
# Read the nearfield file
input_filename = inputGrid
inputGrid = readGrid(input_filename)
# if the input grid is not provided as a filename, it must be a Grid instance
elif type(inputGrid) != Grid:
# if not, raise an error
raise Error(
"The inputGrid to simpleOCart must either be the filename of the nearfield grid or a Grid type object from cgnsutilities."
if xBounds is None:
# we will automatically determine the bounding box
X, dx = inputGrid.simpleCart(dh, 0.0, 0, sym, mgcycle, outFile=None)
# we are provided the bounding box, skip to the generic simple cart routine
X, dx = simpleCart(xBounds[0], xBounds[1], dh, 0, 0, sym, mgcycle, outFile=None)
# Pull out the patches from the Cartesian mesh.
# We have to pay attention to the symmetry and the ordering of the patches
# to make sure that all the normals are pointing out.
patches = []
# First take patches that are opposite from the origin planes
if "xmax" not in sym:
patches.append(X[-1, :, :, :])
if "ymax" not in sym:
patches.append(X[:, -1, :, :][::-1, :, :])
if "zmax" not in sym:
patches.append(X[:, :, -1, :])
# Then take patches from the origin planes
if "x" not in sym and "xmin" not in sym:
patches.append(X[0, :, :, :][::-1, :, :])
if "y" not in sym and "ymin" not in sym:
patches.append(X[:, 0, :, :])
if "z" not in sym and "zmin" not in sym:
patches.append(X[:, :, 0, :][::-1, :, :])
# Set up the generic input for pyHyp
hypOptions = {
"patches": patches,
"unattachedEdgesAreSymmetry": True,
"autoConnect": True,
"BC": {},
"N": nExtra,
"s0": np.average(dx),
"marchDist": hExtra,
"cmax": 3.0,
# Use user-defined options if provided
if userOptions is not None:
# Run pyHyp
hyp = pyHyp(options=hypOptions)
fName = None
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
fName = os.path.join(dirpath, "tmp.cgns")
# Reset symmetry to single axis
if "x" in sym or "xmin" in sym or "xmax" in sym:
sym = "x"
elif "y" in sym or "ymin" in sym or "ymax" in sym:
sym = "y"
elif "z" in sym or "zmin" in sym or "zmax" in sym:
sym = "z"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
# Read the pyhyp mesh back in and add our additional "X" from above.
simple_ocart_grid = readGrid(fName)
dims = X.shape[0:3]
simple_ocart_grid.addBlock(Block("interiorBlock", dims, X))
simple_ocart_grid.BCs = []
if useFarfield:
# Delete the temp file