The pyHyp module is used to generate a hyperbolic grid around a 3D
Copyright (c) 2013 by G. Kenway
All rights reserved. Not to be used for commercial purposes.
Revision: 1.0 $Date: 02/04/2013$
- Gaetan Kenway (GKK)
v. 1.0 - Initial Class Creation (GKK, 2013)
# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================
import os
import numpy
import copy
from mpi4py import MPI
from . import MExt
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from tabulate import tabulate
from baseclasses import BaseSolver
from baseclasses.utils import Error
from cgnsutilities.cgnsutilities import readGrid, combineGrids
class pyHypWarning(object):
Format a warning message
def __init__(self, message):
msg = "\n+" + "-" * 78 + "+" + "\n" + "| pyHyp Warning: "
i = 19
for word in message.split():
if len(word) + i + 1 > 78: # Finish line and start new one
msg += " " * (78 - i) + "|\n| " + word + " "
i = 1 + len(word) + 1
msg += word + " "
i += len(word) + 1
msg += " " * (78 - i) + "|\n" + "+" + "-" * 78 + "+" + "\n"
# =============================================================================
# pyHypMulti class
# =============================================================================
class pyHypMulti(object):
This is class can be used to run multiple pyHyp cases at once.
def __init__(self, comm=None, options=None, commonOptions=None, debug=False, skipList=[]):
The inititalization method will setup, run, and write all the results.
options : object
ORDERED dictionary or list of dictionaries.
This contains options for the extrusion of all several grids. An example of
option dictionary is given below:
.. code-block:: python
options = {
"epsE": 4.0,
"epsI": 8.0,
"outputFile": "corner_hyp.cgns",
"skip": False,
We can set a list of dictionaries as input:
.. code-block:: python
options1 = {
"epsE": 4.0,
"epsI": 8.0,
"outputFile": "corner1_hyp.cgns",
"skip": False,
options2 = "cartesian.cgns"
options3 = {
"epsE": 2.0,
"epsI": 4.0,
"outputFile": "corner2_hyp.cgns",
"skip": False,
options = [options1, options2, options3]
Alternatively, we can set an ORDERED dictionary of dictionaries as input:
.. code-block:: python
from collections import OrderedDict
options = OrderedDict()
options["case1"] = {
"epsE": 4.0,
"epsI": 8.0,
"outputFile": "corner1_hyp.cgns",
"skip": False,
options["block"] = "cartesian.cgns"
options["case2"] = {
"epsE": 2.0,
"epsI": 4.0,
"outputFile": "corner2_hyp.cgns",
"skip": False,
Each element of the list/dictionary will be considered as a different case.
One of the elements can be a string specifying a CGNS file that should be combined
with the other grids in the end. pyHyp will not do anything with this file except
combine it with the generated grids in the corresponding order.
These options will overwrite the default options (defined in the pyHyp class)
and the common options (another argument of this method).
If the user gives a list, this will be converted to a dictionary with integers
as keys. Remember this when setting the skip list for unnamed cases.
commomOptions : dict
Dictionary with options that should be applied to all cases in the
options dictionary. See the 'defOpts' dictionary defined in
the pyHyp class to see the available options.
skip_list : list
List containing names of cases that should be skipped.
# Set the possible MPI Intracomm
if comm is None:
self.comm = comm
# Get processor ID
myid = self.comm.Get_rank()
# Convert input to dictionary even if user gave a single element
if type(options) is dict:
raise Error(
"pyHypMulti only accepts Ordered Dictionaries or Lists as inputs."
+ " Declare your options using options=OrderedDict()"
elif type(options) is list:
# Set ordered dict
optionsDict = OrderedDict()
# Convert list to dictionary using integers as keys
optionsDict = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(range(len(options)), options[:])}
# User gave an ordered dictionary
optionsDict = deepcopy(options)
# Add unused common options to each set
for name in optionsDict:
# Avoid options that are just strings indicating volume grids
if type(optionsDict[name]) is not str:
for key in commonOptions:
if key not in optionsDict[name].keys():
optionsDict[name][key] = commonOptions[key]
# Initilize counter
index = 0
# Get the number of grids
self.numGrids = len(optionsDict)
# Initialize dictionary with results
self.results = {
"name": list(optionsDict.keys()),
"outputFile": [0] * self.numGrids,
"gridRatio": [""] * self.numGrids,
"minQualityOverall": [0] * self.numGrids,
"minVolumeOverall": [0] * self.numGrids,
# Loop over all elements in the options list
for optionName in optionsDict:
options = optionsDict[optionName]
if type(options) is str:
# Just set up relationships to combine it with the other grids
# later on
self.results["name"][index] = optionName
self.results["outputFile"][index] = options
self.results["gridRatio"][index] = "N/A"
self.results["minQualityOverall"][index] = "N/A"
self.results["minVolumeOverall"][index] = "N/A"
# Increment counter
index = index + 1
elif optionName in skipList:
if myid == 0:
print("Skipping case: ", optionName)
# Get input file name
inputFile = options["inputfile"]
except KeyError:
inputFile = options["inputFile"]
# Check if output name exists or if we should get the
# the automatically generated one
outputFile = options["outputfile"]
except KeyError:
outputFile = options["outputFile"]
except KeyError: # User probably did not set neither in options or common options
outputFile = generateOutputName(inputFile, outputType="cgns")
# Save results
self.results["name"][index] = optionName
self.results["outputFile"][index] = outputFile
self.results["gridRatio"][index] = "skip"
self.results["minQualityOverall"][index] = "skip"
self.results["minVolumeOverall"][index] = "skip"
# Increment counter
index = index + 1
elif type(options) is dict:
# Only the root processor will print
if myid == 0:
# change the printout based on which option is actually present
if "inputFile" in options.keys():
caseName = options["inputFile"]
caseName = options["outputFile"]
print("\n\nRunning case %d : %s\n" % (index, caseName))
# Create pyHyp object using the corresponding options
hypGrid = pyHyp(comm, options, debug)
# Run it
# Write outputs
# Save results
self.results["name"][index] = optionName
self.results["outputFile"][index] = hypGrid.options["outputfile"]
self.results["minQualityOverall"][index] = float(hypGrid.hyp.hypdata.minqualityoverall)
self.results["minVolumeOverall"][index] = float(hypGrid.hyp.hypdata.minvolumeoverall)
self.results["gridRatio"][index] = hypGrid.growthRatios
# Delete object to free memory
del hypGrid
# Increment counter
index = index + 1
# Print the log
def writeLog(self):
This will print a log with important information regarding all grids
# round gridRatios
results = copy.deepcopy(self.results)
key = "gridRatio"
for n in range(len(results[key])):
if not isinstance(results[key][n], numpy.ndarray):
results[key][n] = getGrowthRatioString(results[key][n])
# Get processor ID
myid = self.comm.Get_rank()
# Only the root processor will print
if myid == 0:
print("=" * 40)
print(" " * 12 + "pyHyp Summary" + " " * 12)
print("=" * 40)
print(tabulate(results, headers="keys", floatfmt=".4e"))
def combineCGNS(self, combinedFile="combined.cgns", additionalGrids=[], skipList=[], eraseFiles=True):
This will gather all newly generated grids and combine them in a single CGNS file.
This only works for CGNS output files.
combinedFile : str
The name of the combined output file.
additionalGrids : list
The filenames of any grids that were not generated by the current pyHypMulti object, but
should still be included in the combined output file.
skipList : list
The keys of any generated grids that should not be included in the combined output file.
eraseFiles : bool
If True, we erase the individual files that are combined.
# Run cgnsUtilities on the root processor
if self.comm.rank == 0:
# Add generated grids that we do not want to skip
selectedGrids = []
gridList = []
for i in range(self.numGrids):
if self.results["name"][i] not in skipList:
filename = self.results["outputFile"][i]
grid = readGrid(filename)
# Add any additional grids
for filename in additionalGrids:
grid = readGrid(filename)
# Call the combine function in cgnsUtilities
combined = combineGrids(gridList)
print(f"Combined CGNS files into: {combinedFile}")
# Erase input files
if eraseFiles:
for filename in selectedGrids:
# Wait for root process to finish before returning
# =============================================================================
# pyHyp class
# =============================================================================
class pyHyp(BaseSolver):
def __init__(self, comm=None, options=None, debug=False):
Create the pyHyp object.
Comm to use. This is used when running in parallel. If not
provided, MPI.COMM_WORLD is used by default.
options : dict
A dictionary containing the the options for pyHyp.
debug : bool
Flag used to specify if debugging. This only needs to be
set to true when using a symbolic debugger.
name = "pyHyp"
category = "Hyperbolic mesh generator"
informs = {}
# Set the possible MPI Intracomm
if comm is None:
# Default options for hyperbolic generation
defOpts = self._getDefaultOptions()
# Use supplied options
if options is None:
raise Error("The options = keyword argument is *NOT* optional. " "It must always be provided")
# Deprecated options
deprecatedOptions = self._getDeprecatedOptions()
# Initialize the inherited BaseSolver
# Import and set the hyp module
curDir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
self.hyp = MExt.MExt("hyp", curDir, debug=debug)._module
# Initialize PETSc and MPI if not already done so:
# Set the fortan options
self.gridGenerated = False
# Convert file type to integer
fileType = {"CGNS": self.hyp.hypinput.cgnsfiletype, "PLOT3D": self.hyp.hypinput.plot3dfiletype}
intFileType = fileType[self.getOption("fileType")]
# Determine how we are getting data: by Input file or
# explictly by patches.
patchInput = False
patches = self.getOption("patches")
if len(patches) > 0:
patchInput = True
nBlocks = len(patches)
if not patchInput:
if not os.path.isfile(self.getOption("inputFile")):
raise Error("Input file '%s' not found." % self.getOption("inputFile"))
# Determine the number of blocks we have so we can initialize
# the BC array:
nBlocks = self.hyp.getnblocks(self.getOption("inputFile"), intFileType)
if self.getOption("noPointReduce") and nBlocks > 1:
raise Error("The noPointReduce option may only be true when " "a single surface grid is provided.")
# The fortran BC information
fBCs = numpy.zeros((4, nBlocks), order="f")
fBCs[:, :] = self.hyp.hypinput.bcdefault
# The python BC information
BCs = self.getOption("BC")
BCMap = {
"splay": self.hyp.hypinput.bcsplay,
"xsymm": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxsymm,
"ysymm": self.hyp.hypinput.bcysymm,
"zsymm": self.hyp.hypinput.bczsymm,
"xconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxconst,
"yconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcyconst,
"zconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bczconst,
"xyconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxyconst,
"yzconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcyzconst,
"xzconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxzconst,
edgeMap = {
"ilow": self.hyp.hypinput.ilow - 1,
"ihigh": self.hyp.hypinput.ihigh - 1,
"jlow": self.hyp.hypinput.jlow - 1,
"jhigh": self.hyp.hypinput.jhigh - 1,
helpStr = "An example of a boundary specification is: 'BC':{1:{'iLow':'ySymm'}, 2:{'jHigh':'splay'}}"
for blkBC in BCs:
if blkBC < 1 or blkBC > nBlocks or not isinstance(blkBC, int):
raise Error(
"Keys in BC array must be 1-based integers and less "
"than or equal to the total number of blocks. %s" % helpStr
for edgeKey in BCs[blkBC]:
lKey = edgeKey.lower()
if lKey not in edgeMap.keys():
raise Error(
"Boundary edge specification must be one of: "
"'iLow', 'iHigh', 'jLow', or 'jHigh'. %s" % helpStr
BCToSet = BCs[blkBC][edgeKey].lower()
if BCToSet.lower() not in BCMap.keys():
raise Error(
"Boundary condition specification unknown. Must be one of: "
"'splay', 'xSymm', 'ySymm', 'zSymm', "
"'xConst', 'yConst', 'zConst, 'xyConst, "
"'yzConst or xzConst'. %s" % helpStr
fBCs[edgeMap[lKey], blkBC - 1] = BCMap[BCToSet]
# Set the boundary condition information into fortran
self.hyp.hypinput.bcs = fBCs
# Now process the family information if we have any:
families = self.getOption("families")
fFamilies = []
# Set default a default name of "wall".
for _i in range(nBlocks):
# If we were given a CGNS file we might have families
# there. So load them and overwrite the default.
if intFileType == self.hyp.hypinput.cgnsfiletype:
if self.comm.rank == 0:
for i in range(nBlocks):
family, foundFam = self.hyp.readfamily(self.getOption("inputFile"), i + 1)
if foundFam and len(family.strip()) > 0:
fFamilies[i] = family.strip()
fFamilies = self.comm.bcast(fFamilies)
# If we have explictly other families given, these will
# overwrite anything we already have.
if isinstance(families, str):
for i in range(nBlocks):
fFamilies[i] = families
elif isinstance(families, dict):
for blkBC in families:
if blkBC < 1 or blkBC > nBlocks or not isinstance(blkBC, int):
raise Error(
"Keys in families dictionary must be 1-based integers and less "
"than or equal to the total number of blocks"
fFamilies[blkBC - 1] = families[blkBC]
raise Error(
"'families' option must be a string or a dictionary. A string will "
"set all wall families to the single string. A dictionary with "
"one-based keys for the blocks may be used to specify individual "
"families for each block.\n Examples: 'families':'fuselage' or"
"'families':{'1:'fuselage', 2:'wing'}."
# Set our family information in fortran
for i in range(nBlocks):
self.hyp.setfamily(i + 1, fFamilies[i])
# Explicitly set patches if necessary
if patchInput:
for i in range(len(patches)):
self.hyp.setpatch(i + 1, patches[i])
intFileType = self.hyp.hypinput.patchinput
# Now run the fortran setup.
self.hyp.setup(self.getOption("inputFile"), intFileType)
def _getDefaultOptions():
defOpts = {
# ---------------------------
# Input Information
# ---------------------------
"inputFile": [str, ""],
"patches": [list, []],
"fileType": [str, ["PLOT3D", "CGNS"]],
"skip": [bool, False],
"mode": [str, ["hyperbolic", "elliptic"]],
"unattachedEdgesAreSymmetry": [bool, True],
"outerFaceBC": [str, ["farfield", "overset"]],
"BC": [dict, {}],
"families": [(str, dict), {}],
"autoConnect": [bool, True],
"noPointReduce": [bool, False],
# ---------------------------
# Grid Parameters
# ---------------------------
"N": [int, 65],
"s0": [float, 0.01],
"nConstantStart": [int, 1],
"nConstantEnd": [int, 1],
"nTruncate": [int, -1],
"marchDist": [float, 50.0],
"nodeTol": [float, 1e-8],
"splay": [(list, float), 0.25],
"splayEdgeOrthogonality": [(list, float), 0.1],
"splayCornerOrthogonality": [(list, float), 0.2],
"cornerAngle": [(list, float), 60.0],
"coarsen": [int, 1],
# ---------------------------
# Elliptic Parameters
# ---------------------------
"panelEps": [float, 1e-8],
"farfieldTolerance": [float, 4.0],
"useMatrixFree": [bool, True],
"evalMode": [str, ["fast", "exact", "slow"]],
"sourceStrengthFile": [str, "panelStrength.source"],
# ------------------------------------------
# Pseudo Grid Parameters (Hyperbolic only)
# ------------------------------------------
"cMax": [float, 1.0],
"nonLinear": [bool, False],
"slExp": [float, 0.15],
"ps0": [float, -1.0],
"pGridRatio": [float, -1.0],
"growthRatios": [(list, type(None)), None],
# ----------------------------------------
# Smoothing parameters (Hyperbolic only)
# ----------------------------------------
"epsE": [(list, float), 1.0],
"epsI": [(list, float), 2.0],
"theta": [(list, float), 3.0],
"volCoef": [(list, float), 0.25],
"volBlend": [(list, float), 0.0001],
"volSmoothIter": [(list, int), 100],
# -------------------------------
# Solution Parameters (Common)
# -------------------------------
"KSPRelTol": [float, 1e-8],
"KSPMaxIts": [int, 500],
"KSPSubspaceSize": [int, 50],
# ---------------------------
# Output Parameters
# ---------------------------
"writeMetrics": [bool, False],
"outputType": [str, ["CGNS", "PLOT3D"]],
"outputFile": [(str, type(None)), None],
return defOpts
def _getDeprecatedOptions():
deprecatedOptions = {
"volSmoothSchedule": "Please use 'volSmoothIter' for the same functionality",
return deprecatedOptions
def run(self):
Run given using the options given
if not self.getOption("skip"):
if self.getOption("mode") == "hyperbolic":
elif self.getOption("mode") == "elliptic":
self.gridGenerated = True
print("Skipped generation of this grid")
self.gridGenerated = False
def writePlot3D(self, fileName):
"""After we have generated a grid, write it out to a plot3d
file for the user to look at"""
if self.gridGenerated:
raise Error("No grid has been generated! Run the run() " "command before trying to write the grid!")
def writeCGNS(self, fileName):
"""After we have generated a grid, write it out in a properly
formatted 1-Cell wide CGNS file suitable for running in SUmb."""
if not self.gridGenerated:
raise Error("No grid has been generated! Run the run() " "command before trying to write the grid!")
# Possibly perform autoconnect using cgns_utils
if self.comm.rank == 0 and self.getOption("autoConnect"):
grid = readGrid(fileName)
def writeOutput(self, fileName=None, fileType=None):
This selects the output type based on what is specified
in the options
# Get desired output type from options, unless provided
if fileType is None:
outputType = self.getOption("outputType")
outputType = fileType
# Check if the user specified name in the options
if fileName is None:
fileName = self.getOption("outputFile")
# If no name is specified even in the options, then
# we generate one
if fileName is None:
fileName = generateOutputName(self.getOption("inputfile"), outputType=outputType)
# Update the name stored in the options for future uses
self.setOption("outputFile", fileName)
if outputType == "CGNS":
elif outputType == "PLOT3D":
def getSurfaceCoordinates(self):
Return the surface coordinates on this processor
coords = numpy.zeros((self.hyp.hypdata.nx, 3))
return coords
def setSurfaceCoordinates(self, coords):
Set the surface coordinates on this processor
def _setOptions(self):
Internal function to set the options in pyHyp
self.hyp.hypinput.n = self.getOption("N")
self.hyp.hypinput.nconstantstart = self.getOption("nConstantStart")
self.hyp.hypinput.nconstantend = self.getOption("nConstantEnd")
self.hyp.hypinput.ntruncate = self.getOption("nTruncate")
self.hyp.hypinput.nopointreduce = self.getOption("noPointReduce")
self.hyp.hypinput.slexp = self.getOption("slExp")
self.hyp.hypinput.cmax = self.getOption("cMax")
self.hyp.hypinput.coarsen = self.getOption("coarsen")
self.hyp.hypinput.kspreltol = self.getOption("kspRelTol")
self.hyp.hypinput.kspmaxits = self.getOption("kspMaxIts")
self.hyp.hypinput.nonlinear = self.getOption("nonLinear")
self.hyp.hypinput.kspsubspacesize = self.getOption("kspSubspaceSize")
self.hyp.hypinput.writemetrics = self.getOption("writeMetrics")
self.hyp.hypinput.nodetol = self.getOption("nodeTol")
self.hyp.hypinput.farfieldtol = self.getOption("farfieldTolerance")
self.hyp.hypinput.usematrixfree = self.getOption("useMatrixFree")
self.hyp.hypinput.unattachededgesaresymmetry = self.getOption("unattachEdedgesAreSymmetry")
modes = {
"exact": self.hyp.hypinput.eval_exact,
"slow": self.hyp.hypinput.eval_slow,
"fast": self.hyp.hypinput.eval_fast,
self.hyp.hypinput.evalmode = modes[self.getOption("evalMode")]
ffType = {"farfield": self.hyp.hypinput.outerfacefarfield, "overset": self.hyp.hypinput.outerfaceoverset}
self.hyp.hypinput.outerfacetype = ffType[self.getOption("outerFaceBC")]
self.hyp.hypinput.sourcestrengthfile = self._expandString("")
f = self.getOption("sourceStrengthFile")
self.hyp.hypinput.sourcestrengthfile = self._expandString(f)
# options that might be unique per layer
self.hyp.hypinput.volsmoothiter = self._expandPerLayerOption("volSmoothIter", dtype=numpy.int32)
self.hyp.hypinput.volblend = self._expandPerLayerOption("volBlend")
self.hyp.hypinput.volcoef = self._expandPerLayerOption("volCoef")
self.hyp.hypinput.epse = self._expandPerLayerOption("epsE")
self.hyp.hypinput.epsi = self._expandPerLayerOption("epsI")
self.hyp.hypinput.theta = self._expandPerLayerOption("theta")
self.hyp.hypinput.splay = self._expandPerLayerOption("splay")
self.hyp.hypinput.splayedgeorthogonality = self._expandPerLayerOption("splayEdgeOrthogonality")
self.hyp.hypinput.splaycornerorthogonality = self._expandPerLayerOption("splayCornerOrthogonality")
self.hyp.hypinput.cornerangle = self._expandPerLayerOption("cornerangle") * numpy.pi / 180
# determine marching parameters
fullDeltaS, self.marchDistance, self.growthRatios = self._determineMarchingParameters()
self.hyp.hypinput.fulldeltas = fullDeltaS
self.hyp.hypinput.marchdist = self.marchDistance
# figure out pseudo grid ratio parameters
pGridRatio, ps0 = self._configurePseudoGridParameters()
self.hyp.hypinput.pgridratio = pGridRatio
self.hyp.hypinput.ps0 = ps0
def _determineMarchingParameters(self):
Figure out what marching parameters to use. This logic is needed
because there are multiple ways to define those parameters.
fullDeltaS : list[float]
The ideal height for each layer.
marchDist : float
The marching distance used.
growthRatios : list[float]
The growth ratio for each layer.
# if the user specified an explicit growth-ratio, use this
optionsGrowthRatios = self.getOption("growthRatios")
if optionsGrowthRatios is not None:
growthRatios = self._expandPerLayerOption("growthRatios")
if self.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
"The option `growthRatios` has been specified. This takes precedence over `marchDist`, `nConstantStart` and `nConstantEnd`."
# no growth ratio was provided -> compute it
growthRatios = self._computeGrowthRatio()
# finally compute each layers deltaS and set it in fortran
fullDeltaS = self._computeDeltaS(growthRatios)
# figure out what marching distance to use
if optionsGrowthRatios is not None:
marchDist = numpy.sum(fullDeltaS)
marchDist = self.getOption("marchDist")
return fullDeltaS, marchDist, growthRatios
def _printMarchingParameters(self):
Print the marching parameters used.
if not self.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
growthRatioString = getGrowthRatioString(self.growthRatios)
print(f"Grid Ratio: {growthRatioString}")
print(f"March Dist: {self.marchDistance:.3e}")
def _configurePseudoGridParameters(self):
Figures out if the user set pseudo grid parameters. If this is the
case, error checking makes sure they are reasonable. If the user did not
set it, an automatic value is computed.
pGridRatio: float
Growth ratio for the pseudo grid.
ps0 : float
First layer height for the pseudo grid.
pGridRatio = self.getOption("pGridRatio")
ps0 = self.getOption("ps0")
s0 = self.getOption("s0")
minGrowthRatio = numpy.min(self.growthRatios[self.growthRatios > 1])
if pGridRatio == -1:
pGridRatio = minGrowthRatio
if pGridRatio > minGrowthRatio:
raise Error(f"The `pGridRatio` option has to be lower than the lowest grid ratio ({minGrowthRatio})")
# figure out initial pseudo grid initial offwall spacing
if ps0 <= 0:
ps0 = s0 / 2
if ps0 > s0:
raise Error(f"The `ps0` option has to be lower than the off wall spacing s0: ({s0})")
return pGridRatio, ps0
def _computeDeltaS(self, growthRatios):
Computes the ideal height for each layer. Due to smoothing, this exact
value will not be achieved in practice.
growthRatios : list[float]
The growth ratio for each layer.
fullDeltaS : list[float]
The ideal height for each layer.
N = self.getOption("N")
s0 = self.getOption("s0")
fullDeltaS = numpy.zeros(N)
# compute the delta S
fullDeltaS[1] = s0
for n in range(2, N):
fullDeltaS[n] = fullDeltaS[n - 1] * growthRatios[n]
return fullDeltaS
def _computeGrowthRatio(self):
Computes the growth ratio for each layer when no explicit value is given.
growthRatios : list[float]
The growth ratio for each layer.
# function 'f' is S - s0*(1-r^n)/(1-r) where S is total length, s0 is
# initial ratio and r is the grid ratio.
nStart = self.getOption("nConstantStart")
nEnd = self.getOption("nConstantEnd")
S = self.getOption("marchDist")
N = self.getOption("N")
s0 = self.getOption("s0")
def func(r):
func = nStart * s0
curSize = s0
# Next we will have M = N - nStart - nEnd layers of exponential growth.
for _j in range(N - 1 - nStart - nEnd):
curSize = curSize * r
func = func + curSize
# Last stretch
curSize = curSize * r
# Now add the last nEnd layers of constant size
func = func + nEnd * curSize
# Finally the actual function is S - func
func = S - func
return func
# Do a bisection search
# Max and min bounds...root must be in here...
a = 1.0 + 1e-8
b = 4.0
ratio = -1
fa = func(a)
for _i in range(100):
c = (a + b) / 2
f = func(c)
if abs(f) < 1e-10: # Converged
ratio = c
if f * fa > 0:
a = c
b = c
# we need to return an array of growth-ratios
growthRatios = numpy.ones(N)
growthRatios[nStart + 1 : N - (nEnd - 1)] = ratio
return growthRatios
def _expandPerLayerOption(self, name, dtype=numpy.float64):
Expands the option in question into an array that has a unique value
per layer.
The option may come in different formats:
(1) If it is a scalar, the same value is used throughout all of the grid.
(2) If it is a 1D list, it must have a length of N - 1. Each entry is
used for the corresponding extrusion layer. E.g. [0.2, 0.3, 0.4] would
result in a grid with 3 extrusions where the first layer uses 0.2, the
second layer uses 0.3 and the last one uses 0.4.
(3) If it is a 2D list, the values are interpolated linearly. E.g.
[[0.0, 0.2], [0.5, 0.4], [1.0, 0.0]] would result in a linear increase
from 0.2 to 0.4 at half of the total N. Then it would linearly decrease
until it reaches 0.0 in the last extrusion.
name : str
Name of the option in question
dtype : numpy.dtype
The datatype of the option in question.
out : list[float]
The value of the option in question for each layer.
inp = self.getOption(name)
N = self.getOption("N")
out = numpy.zeros(N, dtype=dtype)
# if it is a scalar, just repeat it
if numpy.isscalar(inp):
out[:] = inp
return out
# convert to numpy array as it is easier to work with
inp = numpy.array(inp)
# if it is a 1d list, use it as is
if inp.ndim == 1:
# check the length, which should be N - 1
if len(inp) != N - 1:
raise Error(f"If the `{name}` option is given as a 1D list, its length must be `N` - 1.")
# not setting the first value because this is the first layer,
# which is given by the surface mesh
out[1:] = inp
return out
# if it is a 2d list, linearly interpolate it
# first make sure it is normalized
low = inp[0, 0]
high = inp[-1, 0]
inp[:, 0] = (inp[:, 0] - low) / (high - low)
# then interpolate
x = numpy.arange(1, N)
xp = inp[:, 0] * (N - 2) + 1
fp = inp[:, 1]
out[1:] = numpy.interp(x, xp, fp)
return out
def _expandString(self, s):
"""Expand a supplied string 's' to be of the constants.maxstring
length so we can set them in fortran"""
return s + " " * (512 - len(s))
def __del__(self):
Clean up fortran allocated values if necessary
def getUsedMarchDistance(self):
Returns the marching distance used.
marchDist : float
The marching distance used.
if not self.gridGenerated:
raise Error("Cannot return the used marching distance before extruding the grid.")
marchDist = self.hyp.hypinput.marchdist
return marchDist
def writeLayer(self, fileName, layer=1, meshType="plot3d", partitions=True):
Write a single mesh layer out to a file for visualization or for other purposes.
fileName : str
Filename to use. Should have .fmt extension for plot3d or .dat for tecplot
layer : int
Index of layer to print. Values greater than 1 are only valid if the mesh
has already been extruded.
meshType : str
Type of mesh to write. The two valid arguments are 'plot3d' and 'fe'. The plot3d
will write the mesh in the original plot3d format while the FE mesh is the
unstructured internal representation.
partitions : bool
This flag which is only used for the 'fe' mesh type option will write a separate
zone for each partition on each processor. This is useful for visualizing the
parallel mesh decomposition.
if meshType.lower() == "plot3d":
self.hyp.writelayerplot3d(fileName, layer)
self.hyp.writelayerfe(fileName, layer, partitions)
def freezeEdge(self, blockID, edge, dstar):
Specify an edge that will be frozen.
blockID : integer
edge : str
String specified for edge. One of 'ilow', 'ihigh', 'jlow', 'jhigh'
dstart : float
How much these nodes will influence points around it.
assert edge.lower() in ["ilow", "ihigh", "jlow", "jhigh"]
self.hyp.freezeedge(blockID, edge, dstar)
def freezeFaces(self, blockIDs, dstar):
Specify one or more faces (blocks) that will be frozen
blockIDs : integer or list
Index of block(s) IN ONE BASED ORDERING.
dstart : float
How much these nodes will influence points around it.
blockIDs = numpy.array(blockIDs).astype("intc")
self.hyp.freezefaces(blockIDs, dstar)
def surfaceSmooth(self, nIter, stepSize, surfFile=None):
Run smoothing iterations on the body surface
nIter : int
Number of iterations to run
stepSize : float
Size of step. Must be < 1. Usually less than 0.1 for stability
if surfFile is not None:
from pygeo import pyGeo
except ImportError:
raise Error(
"pyGeo must be available to use the surface "
"reprojection object. Try again without specifying "
"the surfFile option."
geoSurf = pyGeo("iges", fileName=surfFile)
for iSurf in range(geoSurf.nSurf):
surf = geoSurf.surfs[iSurf]
self.hyp.setsurface(iSurf + 1, surf.ku, surf.kv, surf.tu, surf.tv, surf.coef.T)
self.hyp.smoothwrap(nIter, stepSize)
# =====================================================#
def generateOutputName(inputFile, outputType):
This function will automatically create an output filename by
appending "_hyp" to the original filename.
outputType = outputType.lower() # Use just lower case strings
# Get rid of the extension and add an 'hyp' to the end of the filename
outputFile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputFile))[0] + "_hyp"
# Add extension acording to output file type
if outputType == "cgns":
outputFile = outputFile + ".cgns"
elif outputType == "plot3d":
outputFile = outputFile + ".fmt"
# Return the generated name
return outputFile
def getGrowthRatioString(growthRatios):
Returns a rounded string with the current growth ratio. If the growth
ratio is constant, a single value is returned. Otherwise a range is
growthRatios : list(float)
List holding the growth ratio for each layer
growthRatioString : str
The string holding the rounded growth ratio.
minGrowthRatio = numpy.min(growthRatios[growthRatios > 1])
maxGrowthRatio = numpy.max(growthRatios[growthRatios > 1])
if maxGrowthRatio - minGrowthRatio <= 0:
growthRatioString = f"{minGrowthRatio:.3e}"
growthRatioString = f"{minGrowthRatio:.3e} - {maxGrowthRatio:.3e}"
return growthRatioString